Where should i send your email templates?

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Get more customers to buy your courses + high ticket offers faster. Without Going Viral, Selling Over the Phone, or Sending Cold DMs

3 Day Live Bootcamp With Katie Joynes

Where should i send your email templates?

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October 28 - 30 @ 2:00PM EST
Replays Available. Lifetime Access. 

Where should i send your email templates?

last step! Enter your email to gain access!

This will be worth every minute of your precious time if: 

You want to find a way to crack the code to selling both courses and high ticket offers without spending all day on social media.

You're currently experiencing the feast and famine cycle in your business. Some months it's raining money and others are dismal at best.

It feels harder and harder to establish trust in the crowded market and diminished economy.

You know that if you only had a way to generate more qualified leads who want to buy without all the hand-holding, your business would be in a totally different position. 


DAY ONE: Easy-Buyer-Offer-Suites: How to create a scalable business model that lights you UP and creates buyers who invest without any pushback.

DAY TWO: The T.R.U.S.T Framework:
How to get ideal clients to trust you and pay you big money even if they've just met you. 

DAY THREE: The SCALE Factor: The blueprint to fire yourself from 90% of your sales and marketing tasks so you can scale faster with clients you love.

*SECRET* BONUS DAY FOUR (By Request Only): The $100K/Month Profit Model: How to scale your business to $100K months and beyond without a big team.

say no more, i'm in!


Today's Price: $97

The Path To Your Next Level Awaits...

The reason you're not scaling as fast as you desire is not because you're not worthy. 

God called us to be fruitful and to multiply. Why should you settle for less than what you know you're capable of? I want to expose the real worldly factors that prevent most coaches from scaling with more freedom. It's a simple process paired with business principles that set you apart from all of your competition so you can attract more customers who just want to pay you and win. 

This is the same process I've used to build a near $8M business in the last 3.5 years as a Mom of 5. 

I'm thrilled to sit down with you as a group over zoom and break down the simple business model that set me free and lights my fire everyday to keep growing in my God-given purpose. 

Reviews from past paid workshop experiences...

You will walk away with the newfound spark for your mission, the confidence to take it all the way and a streamlined business plan to get more customers to trust you and pay you faster without selling your face off on social media everyday.

You up for the challenge? 

Good. I knew you would be. 

Let's do it! 

grab your ticket here