Say goodbye to price objections, lukewarm launches and endless market research.

More sales without the time-consuming objections starts now.

Where should i send your email templates?

last step! Enter your email to gain access!

Use this messaging formula and ChatGPT script to make your course so stinkin' irresistible your prospects can't resist.

what you'll learn:

How to define your avatar and your niche without putting yourself in a box

How to define your unique edge so that your course stands out in the crowded market

How to use desire marketing to attract empowered buyers who don't need to be convinced to buy

How to make your offer a no-brainer for leads who have the money to buy 

How to communicate the value of your offer in one sentence 

How to use my ChatGPT prompts to write your offer messaging for you without sounding robotic 

Students are going crazyyyy over this course!!!

In 2021 I used my messaging formula to launch a brand new offer for $7500 in a new industry. I generated $1,000,000 in 1 year without any sales calls

In 2022, I used my messaging formula to launch another new offer for a different avatar. I generated $4,000,000 in 1 year without any sales calls

In 2023, I used
my messaging formula to launch a new $3333 course and generated $333,000 in 2 weeks

In 2024, I used my messaging formula to launch a $33 course that made $21,258 in 3 weeks on autopilot

How a crystal clear offer has impacted my business: 

Real freedom comes when you know how to communicate the value of what you do to empowered buyers who just want what you sell. No convincing, no objections.

ready to unlock an offer that sells out?!

say no more, i'm in!


9 Bite-Sized Lessons: My Irresistible Messaging Formula to position your course to start flying off the shelves without sales calls or endless market research ($222 value).

Real World Examples: Watch me create compelling offer messaging for some of the toughest industries, including trauma, healing, personal development, and spirituality ($147 value). 

BONUS CHAT GPT Tagline Generator & Tutorial: My exclusive ChatGPT scripts to instantly generate powerful taglines and automate your market research. This bonus will save you hours of work and give you precise insights to craft irresistible offers ($222 value).

Guided Crystal Clear Offer Workbook: The exact process I use every time I create my next million dollar offer ($111 value).  




tODAY's price: $33

say no more, i'm in!


9 Bite-Sized Lessons: My Irresistible Messaging Formula to position your course to start flying off the shelves without sales calls or endless market research ($222 value).

Real World Examples: Watch me create compelling offer messaging for some of the toughest industries, including trauma, healing, personal development, and spirituality ($147 value).

BONUS CHAT GPT Tagline Generator & Tutorial: My exact Chat GPT scripts to make AI do all of your market research so you don't have to ($222 value).

Guided Crystal Clear Offer Workbook: The process I use every time I create my next million dollar offer ($111 value).  





say no more, i'm in!

You’ve got a stellar course (or you're in the process of creating one), but leads keep disappearing or raising price objections.

You know your course is incredible, but when you talk about it, you feel like you're just spewing word salad.

You've had a launch that didn't quite hit the mark, and now you're feeling the frustration of missed opportunities.

Even with amazing conversations with prospects, they still seem to say, "I'll think about it," leaving you wondering what went wrong.

And it's yours for $33. YAY!


there's a solution.

People don’t buy offers based on the problems you think they have. It’s not about whether they enjoy coffee or a stroll on the beach.

They buy offers that resonate with the vision they’re actively seeking.

By diving deep into my clients' minds and truly understanding what drives them, I’ve been able to craft offers they can’t resist. This approach led me to build a multi-million dollar business in just 2 years.

Your idea has the potential to be a game-changer. Let’s refine your messaging to make it irresistible and SELL OUT.

Here's What I've Learned from Crafting Proven Messaging for Hundreds of Clients Across Diverse Industries…

ready to unlock an offer that sells out?!

say no more, i'm in!

My students think I've lost my mind for selling this course for this price ;) 

are you sure this isn't just another cheaply made course that resembles my grandma's junk drawer?

Watch and instantly you're rich: Although this bundle WILL change your life if you apply what I teach you to your offers, this is not a get rich quick hack. Your participation is required to see results. 

A disorganized mumbo jumbo offer that should actually be a free class: This training is the exact method I've taught to $7,500-20,000 clients. Get ready to take notes and have your mind blown. 

A paid sales pitch: Of course we want you to love this training so much that you'll want to keep buying. That's why we're teaching you tactical, practical and tangible strategy you can implement into your business right away.

A basic training on "defining your avatar": Boringggg. This will be way deeper than that. 

Learn how to understand what your ideal client truly wants and create offers that speak directly to them—no market research needed.

Discover how to craft a standout one-sentence pitch that clearly communicates why your offer is a must-have.

Learn how to paint the vision of your offer so you stop attracting broke leads who don't see the value in what you do.

How to know if your offer is a home-run for your niche.

Unlock clear and compelling messaging to supercharge your sales.

what this bundle is...

what this bundle is not...

what this bundle is...

Learn how to understand what your ideal client truly wants and create offers that speak directly to them—no market research needed.

Discover how to craft a standout one-sentence pitch that clearly communicates why your offer is a must-have.

Learn how to paint the vision of your offer so you stop attracting broke leads who don't see the value in what you do.

How to know if your offer is a home-run for your niche.

Unlock clear and compelling messaging to supercharge your sales.

Watch and instantly you're rich: Although this bundle WILL change your life if you apply what I teach you to your offers, this is not a get rich quick hack. Your participation is required to see results. 

A disorganized mumbo jumbo offer that should actually be a free class: This training is the exact method I've taught to $7,500-20,000 clients. Get ready to take notes and have your mind blown. 

A paid sales pitch: Of course we want you to love this training so much that you'll want to keep buying. That's why we're teaching you tactical, practical and tangible strategy you can implement into your business right away.

A basic training on "defining your avatar": Boringggg. This will be way deeper than that. 

what this bundle is not...

ready to unlock an offer that sells out?!

say no more, i'm in!

Millionaire Mom of 5 on a mission to help you get your offers in the hands of those who need them most!

I'm sick and tired of so many talented entrepreneurs struggling to sell their online courses and coaching programs.

I've built a
$7M Coaching Business in the last 3 years without sales calls, live launches or free daily content online.

I have had the privilege of teaching my innovative marketing strategies to some of today's leaders as well hundreds of everyday mama's ready to build a freedom based business.

The number one thing that makes or breaks a business? Offer messaging. If your offer isn’t clear, you can’t show people why they need your offer right now.

I've made it my mission to help as many good-hearted humans as I can. I hope you’ll join the movement of building crystal clear, life changing offers that impact the world and set you free!

Hello, hello!
I'm katie j

I'm just gonna say it.

But let's hear from our students anyway, just for funsies.

I promise i'm not just full of chick fil a sauce

ready to unlock an offer that sells out?!

say no more, i'm in!

i've got some questions...

say no more, i'm in!

My offer isn’t tangible, will this help me?

I don’t have an online course or coaching program yet, is this for me? 

Is there a guarantee?

Is this live or instant access?

Do you offer refunds?

I sell affiliate products, will this work for me?

Yes!! This is my specialty! I actually believe every offer has a tangible element. Inside this offer I’m going to show you how to identify what yours is!

Yes!! Let’s save you so much headache of trial and error!

We take pride in our proven track record of success across all industries. Due to the effort required on your part to see success, we cannot formally guarantee that this will work for you.

This is instant access. You can start learning and implementing as soon as you join! 

Due to the digital nature of the product, we do not offer refunds. If you have questions about whether or not this offer is for you, email us at we’d be happy to help you!

Yes! You will learn how to better communicate your offers and stand out in the sea of everyone else selling the same things. 

9 Bite-Sized Lessons: My Irresistible Messaging Formula to position your course to start flying off the shelves without sales calls or endless market research ($222 value).

Real World Examples: Watch me create compelling offer messaging for some of the toughest industries, including trauma, healing, personal development, and spirituality ($147 value).

BONUS CHAT GPT Tagline Generator & Tutorial: My exact Chat GPT scripts to make AI do all of your market research so you don't have to ($222 value).

Guided Crystal Clear Offer Workbook: The process I use every time I create my next million dollar offer  ($111 value).  

here's what you get:



ready to unlock an offer that sells out?!

say no more, i'm in!